
Camfil - Member of the USGBC

Every step taken by the leading air filtration company proves that the company is the promoter of Green Environment. It is the only company that guarantees longer lasting and energy efficient air filters with the main focus on providing clean air indoors. The company is totally compliant to the ASHRAE and LEED. Camfil extends 5 distinct cost and environmental advantages. These attributes of the company has the Camfil to join USGBC (US Green Building Council) at the product manufacturer level.


USGBC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit community of industry leaders committed to making "green" buildings universally available within a generation.

USGBC works towards making the world more livable, as such, the focus of this non profit organization is to give people better place to work, play and live hence, the opportunity USGBC offers to the better environment, cleaner air indoors the enclosed spaces and energy cost efficiency which could thus help in enhancing communities. In a way, the USGBC is transforming the way of life for the better.

The non profit organization is a group of builders, environmentalists, teachers, students, lawmakers, corporation and the citizens, all of whom are focused on building a sustainable environment for the next generation. At present, USGBC is strengthened with 197,000 Leeds professionals, 12,870 member organizations and 76 chapters.

USGBC's plan

The master plan of the US Green Building Council is to improve the quality of life through composition, operation and the design transformation of the buildings and the places where people work, live and play.

The bottom line, thus, is the same as Camfils' and that is to provide clean air to breathe indoors spaces from the outdoor contaminants and the pollution that arises indoors due to the human activity.

Camfil's Commitment

Camfil's commitment matches the USGBC's focus and hence, by joining the US Green Building Council, Camfil strengthens its focus of better and cleaner air solutions.

Camfil is the only manufacturer that guarantees energy saving air filters. The company is reputed for its long life air filters and for their particle capture capacity ensuring no inlet for the pollutants that try to invade indoor air spaces.

For providing accurate data, Camfil unique mobile testing labs help the users to test different combinations of prefilters and the final filters helping them to achieve the optimum air filtration solution which could ensure the best combination of air filters in the HVAC systems. Tests are done in real time and in the natural environment, thus the customer does not have to rely on the rating and efficiency levels mentioned on the air filter packaging labels.

The company is quite transparent in its product offerings. Camfil tells us, "One area of concentration will be the Indoor Air Quality Procedure as defined in ASHRAE Standard 62.1. Another, longer-term goal of Camfil's participation is to educate industry professionals regarding the ECI (Energy Cost Index) and Life Cycle Costing as effective and immediate ways to reduce energy use, while maintaining highest rated efficiency throughout the life of the filter."

Source: http://catalog.camfil.us/us-green-building-council.html